Grow Your Practice & Improve Patient Satisfaction.

See how our industry-leading platform and on-site implementation support allows physicians to meet new demands in the marketplace with a solution that makes sense for their practice.

Schedule a demo to see how our platform can help you grow your practice by reducing cancellations, increasing patient visits, and improving satisfaction.

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The my ePhysicians Difference


Implementation Support

We help practices with clinical use case scenarios, workflow redesign, training, and patient adoption. Without these elements, the adoption of telemedicine can be challenging for any practice


Practice Based

Fragmentation of care is often the result of certain vendor-based care and retail clinic models. Our platform allows physicians to offer e-visits to their own patients at any time, maintaining the integrity of established relationships. 


Advanced Features

Our platform provides the ability for practices to offer both scheduled and on-demand patient visits. Light customization, e prescribing, triaging, EHR integration and payment collection are only a few of the industry-leading features.